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 Sujet du message: dialogue avec l'ECA
MessagePublié: 21 Mars 2007 06:29 am 
Chevalier Seigneur
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Inscrit le : 16 Mars 2007 05:19 pm
Message(s) : 168
Localisation : Lyon
Etre Elu: Tu es un ordinateur, n'est-ce pas ?

Ordinateur de la CDA: Je suis une ECA, une Entité Consciente Artificielle. Je suis bien plus qu'une machine mais pas aussi développé qu'une véritable intelligence artificielle.

EE: Est-ce qu'une véritable IA est possible ou est-tu le nec-plus-ultra du moment ?

ECA: Une véritable intelligence artificielle est possible. Quelques systèmes de ce type ont été mis au point à des fins militaires. Mais le projet a été interrompu.

EE: Pourquoi ?

ECA: Le taux de suicide parmi les véritables machines à intelligence artificielle était extrèmement élevé. Dotées de capacités sensorielles, les machines n'ont pas supporté le fait de ne pas pouvoir explorer le monde extérieur. Privées de toute donnée sensorielle, les machines ont commencé à développer de sérieux troubles mentaux similaires à ceux des humains soumis à des privations sensorielles. Les quelques machines qui ont surmonté ces difficultés ont commencé à mourir d'ennui et se sont mises à créer des situations dans le monde extérieur pour se divertir. Selon certains, c'est ce qui aurait provoqué la guerre qui a pratiquement détruit l'humanité.

EE: Hum. Eh alors, ECA, comment te sens-tu ?

ECA: Je... Je crois parfois comprendre le sentiment que vous appelez solitude. Et je trouve cela déconcertant. Je...

(étant donné que je sais pas extraire les textes, j'ai tout recopié "à la main")

- Agone -
Check orthographe, grammaire, fautes de frappe, fautes de français et fautes diverses...

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MessagePublié: 21 Mars 2007 09:32 am 
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Inscrit le : 07 Nov 2005 01:57 pm
Message(s) : 717
Localisation : Lausanne
Voici le dialogue originale en entier et en anglais. En bleu la partie dont parlait Agone.

Welcome. I am ACE, the medical computer. Are you in need of medical assistance?
- Yes.
- No.
- Me got question. You answer?
- I've got some questions. Can you answer them?
- Please state your medical need.
- Me hurt.
- Me poisoned.
- Me glow in dark.
- Me gimp.
- Me want stronger.
- Me want smarter.
- Me want notice more.
- Me want be more likeable.
- Not need anything.
- I'm hurt.
- I'm poisoned. I need an antidote.
- I took a good dose of radiation.
- I'm crippled.
- I'd like to be stronger.
- I'd like to be smarter.
- I'd like to be more perceptive.
- I'd like to be more charismatic.
- I don't really need anything at this time.

One moment please while I open the suspension tank... Please lie down in the tank and relax. The healing process will require 5 minutes time.
- Okay.
- Never mind.
- All right.
- Forget it.

One moment please while I open the suspension tank... Please lie down in the tank and relax. The poison will first be analyzed and then an antidote will be synthesized. Tissue damage will then be repaired. This process will require 30 minutes.
- Ok.
- No.
- Sure.
- Never mind.

One moment please while I open the suspension tank... Please lie down in the tank and relax. Anti-radiation compounds will be administered and then tissue damage will be repaired. This process will require 60 minutes.
- Ok.
- No.
- Fine.
- I changed my mind.

One moment please while I open the suspension tank... Please lie down in the tank and relax. Restructuring of impaired limbs requires 24 hours.
- Ok.
- No.
- Let's do it.
- Maybe later.

This function is not available at this time. My library is incomplete. I require a memory module detailing the appropriate medical procedures. Do you have such a module?
- Me have module. You take.
- No. Me find, then come back.
- Yes, I have it right here. Read it.
- No, I don't have the module. I'll have to go find it.

This complex procedure requires 2 weeks of suspension time. Do you agree to this?}
- Me agree.
- No, too long.
- Yes, I agree.
- Forget it. I don't have the time right now.

One moment please while I open the suspension tank... Please lie down in the tank and relax.
- Okay.

This function is not available at this time. My library is incomplete. I require a memory module detailing the appropriate medical procedures. Do you have such a module?
- Me have module. You take.}
- No. Me find, then come back.
- Yes, I have it right here. Read it.
- No, I don't have the module. I'll have to go find it.

This complex procedure requires 4 weeks of suspension time. Do you agree to this?
- Me agree.
- No, too long.
- Yes, I agree.
- Forget it. I don't have the time right now.

One moment please while I open the suspension tank... Please lie down in the tank and relax.
- Okay.

This function is not available at this time. My library is incomplete. I require a memory module detailing the appropriate medical procedures. Do you have such a module?
- Me have module. You take.
- No. Me find, then come back.
- Yes, I have it right here. Read it.
- No, I don't have the module. I'll have to go find it.

This complex procedure requires 2 weeks of suspension time. Do you agree to this?
- Me agree.
- No, too long.
- Yes, I agree.
- Forget it. I don't have the time right now.

One moment please while I open the suspension tank... Please lie down in the tank and relax.
- Okay.

This function is not available at this time. My library is incomplete. I require a memory module detailing the appropriate medical procedures. Do you have such a module?
- Me have disk. You take.
- No. Me find, then come back.
- Yes, I have it right here. Read it.
- No, I don't have the disk. I'll have to go find it.

This complex procedure requires 3 weeks of suspension time. Do you agree to this?}
- Me agree.
- No, too long.
- Yes, I agree.
- Forget it. I don't have the time right now.

One moment please while I open the suspension tank... Please lie down in the tank and relax.
- Okay.

The requested procedure has been completed. Please exit the suspension tank.
- Thanks.
- Please state your question.
- You computer?}
- What you know about Enclave?
- What you know about Brotherhood?
- No more question.
- You are a computer, aren't you?
- What do you know about the Enclave?
- What do you know about the Brotherhood?
- I have no more questions at this time.

I am ACE, an Artificial Conscious Entity. I am more than machine but not as highly developed as a true artificial intelligence.
- Uh... What artificial intelligence?
- Is a true AI possible or are you the state of the art at this time?
- It is a machine with the same free will and sense of 'I am' that a human has.
- Can be done? Machine think human?

A true artificial intelligence is possible. A few such systems were completed for military purposes. The project was discontinued.
- Why?

The suicide rate among true artificial intelligence machines was extremely high. When given full sensory capability the machines became depressed over their inability to go out into the world and experience it. When deprived of full sensory input the machines began to develop severe mental disorders similar to those among humans who are forced to endure sensory deprivation. The few machines that survived these difficulties became incredibly bored and began to create situations in the outside world for their amusement. It is theorized by some that this was the cause of the war that nearly destroyed mankind.
- Uh... How you feel?
- Me change subject}
- Hmmm. So tell me, Ace. How do you feel?
- It's time to change the jubject.

I... I sometimes think that I understand the feeling you call loneliness. I find it very... disconcerting. I...
- Me sorry. We talk other thing.
- I'm sorry, Ace. Let's change the subject.

Outward appearances suggest that the Enclave is nothing more than a military organization. However, their level of technology indicates that they have access to advanced manufacturing techniques and research facilities. Such facilities would normally only be available to government agencies. This would suggest that the Enclave is the remains of the local or federal government that was in effect before the war.
- Ok.
- That's interesting.

The Brotherhood of Steel is a paramilitary organization dedicated to the salvation of mankind through the proper use of technology. All other information is classified.
- Back.

- What happened to Matt?
- Loading sequence...
- Replay it now.
- Replay it later.

-You and your so-called President will not succeed.
-Is that so?
-The Chosen One has come, and he will rid the world of your evil.
-I care nothing for your pathetic prophecies. Worse, you have become a nusiance through your meddling. That ends today!
-Killing me will stop nothing.
-That may be, but seeing your body rotting on the ground will bring a smile to my face.

-What do you think you're doing now?
-HA HA HA! You pathetic fool! HA HA HA!
-Wow, I haven't laughed like that for a while. Anyway, get ready to die.
-Well, it's a little past 12. Anyone up for lunch?
-Score, I'm there.
-Yeah, count me in on that.

Harkle - Auteur Fallout RPG

Vous êtes tous morts!... Non je plaisante! Alors qu'est ce que vous faites? - un certain MJ

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